Knowledge-based Company

Tavan Pajooh Behrad

The first manufacturer of new generation switching rectifier and power quality stabilization in Iran

Brief About

Tavan Pajooh Behrad

Behrad Company started its activity in 1990 by focusing on the design and construction of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems. In 1993, the branch of power system studies was formed in cooperation with the electrical network studies project of Isfahan Steel Factory (1994-1995). And among the important activities of this company in the first years of cooperation in the electrical network studies project of Mobarakeh Steel Complex (years 1997-1999), the studies of Foolad Meybod electrical network (2004-2005) can be mentioned.
In 2003, it succeeded in obtaining a certificate regarding the observance of electricity quality standards from the Power Generation and Transmission Management Organization of Iran (Tavanir).

A look at the competitive advantages of Tavan Pajooh Behrad Company

30 years experience

Utilizing the deep knowledge of the best professors in the field of electricity on the one hand and the experience of 30 years of activity in product production based on new technologies on the other hand has made our products today at an acceptable distance from the best foreign examples.

The result of years of continuous effort

Two knowledge-based products

New generation IGBT rectifier

The new generation rectifier is a product based on the latest switching technology using the IGBT semiconductor switch. Due to the use of high frequency transformers, this rectifier has much less volume and weight and more energy efficiency than older rectifiers.

Power Quality Meter/Data Logger

Behrad power display and quality stability device is an advanced measuring and data recording device that provides accurate, extensive and permanent monitoring of electrical network parameters and electrical equipment in three areas: electrical energy, electrical power quality and condition analysis of electric motors.

contact us


Isfahan, Khomeini Shahr Electrical and Electronics Industrial Town, Bargh 3 St., Sub-Branch 10, No. 177

Head Office

No. 34, 2nd Floor, Behrad Building, Opposite Hekmat High School, Sarlet Alley, Tayeb St., Isfahan


03132332485 / 09132140724


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